90 minute HIIT? Holy SHIIT! (Super-HIIT)

Wanted to share a few HIIT workouts that I’ve been doing with my partner over the last 6 weeks – some super intense stuff! These have been as fun as they are crazy and a far cry from the heavier lifting routines I’ve posted before. I’ll describe the main style and provide a few examples and then one slight variation for a little extra cardio mix. Note that the example videos don’t always show the appropriate weights for the number of reps you’re going to do… adjust accordingly 🙂

We call these “partner pairs” and they’re basically partner circuit workouts but about 3x longer than most of what you’ll find out there. So if you are looking for a challenge….The way this works is that one partner starts in the first column and the other in the second column.  The person working on column 1 does the specified number of reps of that exercise while the person working on column 2 just goes until the person in column 1 is done.  They you switch, same exercise, and complete the same number of reps on column 1. Then switch and drop to the second rep count and so forth until you complete 3 sets of the first row. Then you move on… simple right?

Let’s break down a short example:


Box JumpSumo Squat
Straddle JumpReverse Lunge

Round 1: Partner 1 does 40 box jumps while partner 2 does sumo squats until partner 1 is done
Round 2: Partner 2 does 40 box jumps while partner 1 does sumo squats until partner 2 is done
Round 3: Partner 1 does 30 box jumps while partner 2 does sumo squats until partner 1 is done
Round 4: Partner 2 does 30 box jumps while partner 1 does sumo squats until partner 2 is done
Round 5: Partner 1 does 20 box jumps while partner 2 does sumo squats until partner 1 is done
Round 6: Partner 2 does 20 box jumps while partner 1 does sumo squats until partner 2 is done
Round 1: Partner 1 does 40 straddle jumps while partner 2 does reverse lunges until partner 1 is done
Round 2: Partner 2 does 40 straddle jumps while partner 1 does reverse lunges until partner 2 is done
Round 3: Partner 1 does 30 straddle jumps while partner 2 does reverse lunges until partner 1 is done
Round 4: Partner 2 does 30 straddle jumps while partner 1 does reverse lunges until partner 2 is done
Round 5: Partner 1 does 20 straddle jumps while partner 2 does reverse lunges until partner 1 is done
Round 6: Partner 2 does 20 straddle jumps while partner 1 does reverse lunges until partner 2 is done

Got it? As you can see, the reps add up pretty quick. The average of most of the workouts below, depending on the exercise in the second column, is about 2000! These aren’t workouts for the faint of heart and can easily take 90 minutes or more. What about rest? Take a short (10-20 sec or so) water break between rows as needed, Sometimes a 5 second break will be required in the middle of a set as well, if not then you are really killing it 🙂

Here’s a few to try!


Straddle JumpUp & Over
Push UpDB Fly
Box JumpLateral Box Jump
Push PressUpright Row
V SitBicycle
Pull UpReverse Fly
Jump LungeSquat Jump
Iron CrossPirate Ship


Box JumpSumo Squat
Decline Push UpAround the Worlds
Up & Over4 Square
Pull UpBent Over Row
Plank HopPlank
Jumping JacksSandbag/Sled Push
Renegade Row Barbell Pullover
Dumbbell Lateral See Saw
Russian Twist Reverse Crunch

You can do anything you want with the rep count and exercises, even the number of sets. We did one at 75/50 and another crazy one where we went 30/30/30/30. Here’s another variation that you can add to the mix. Pick one body weight exercise, preferably something that makes you get down on the floor and back up, and then in between each row write up a number range, like 1-10. Then, drop and do 1 of the first exercise and sprint about 40 feet, drop and do 2, sprint back do 3, back and forth until you get to 10 and then move onto to the next partner pair row. Here’s an example of one that we did recently:


Straddle JumpBand Walk
1-7 Sprint Push Ups
Lateral Box JumpLong Jump
1-7 Sprint EQ Pull Up
Up & OverSide Lunge
5-10 Sprint Sit Up
Reverse LungeAlt Single Leg Push
5-10 Sprint Reverse Crunch
Box JumpSkaters
5-10 Sprint V Sit

How often? Well, this is a workout we do once per week simply based on schedule. Twice a week? Yeah, doable I think but you’d better have a good recovery strategy! Also note that rotating your routine every 4-6 weeks is important both mentally and physically so as fun as these are we’ll only do this style for about 6 weeks in a row before moving onto something else.

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